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- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 94 17:19:41 PST
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #148
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Thu, 10 Nov 94 Volume 12 : Issue 148
- Today's Topics:
- [!] The MIME digest
- [*] All Midi 1.1.2 ; A MIDI to QT 2.0 Music converter
- [*] Bill-IT(tm): an integrated billing system for small businesses
- [*] CalcOne 1.0.3; a calculator
- [*] CD Menu 1.1; access to audio CDs
- [*] DigSimp 3.00; a digital circuit design utility program
- [*] DSKA version 1.2; a TMS320C2x assembler for the Macintosh
- [*] EMMpathy 1.1; a PowerBook 5xx battery utility
- [*] ExerciseLog 1.15; keep track of your exercise program
- [*] FinderPrefs7.sit -- wider name field for Finder views (2 msgs)
- [*] GNU Diff Event Server
- [*] info-mac-sites.html; a list of mirror sites
- [*] InternetSiteAOCE1.0; a PowerTalk template for Internet sites
- [*] jims-demoCDEF-v130; sample control definitions
- [*] Jotto ][ 1.2; a word game
- [*] LastBoyScout and LethalWeapon sound archives
- [*] Mac*Chat#56/31-Oct-94; a newsletter
- [*] mac-ftp-sites.391.html; Bruce Grubb's list in HTML format
- [*] MailShare 1.0b8 - a Mac POP email server
- [*] Medieval Empires Demo 3.1.3; a game
- [*] NetRPG 1.06 Source code
- [*] news-while-u-sleep; downloads Usenet news while you sleep
- [*] Pro Predictor Week#10 Update; NFL data file
- [*] Public Address BBS Modem Driver for the LineLink 144e modem
- [*] QwikBILL(tm): a simple invoicing/bidding/accounts receivable app. (2
- msgs)
- [*] QwikLOOKups(tm): a UPS shipping charges calculation app.
- [*] QwikMAIL(tm): a mail list manager with label printing
- [*] QwikRAFFLE(tm): is an application for printing raffle tickets
- [*] QwikSHIP(tm): a full UPS manifest program
- [*] QwikSIGNOUT(tm): a sign in/sign out board application
- [*] RasMac 2.5; molecular visualisation program
- [*] Space Junkie 1.1a; an arcade game
- [*] Spike-Jones-grp2; some sounds
- [*] SpiroChart 2.0 for Excel. Draws spiral designs.
- [*] TextStreamer 2.1; concatenates files
- [*] Toggle PPP, an AppleScript for MacPPP
- [*] Transparency 1.0; a GIF utility
- [*] Tzu Release 4 for CodeWarrior
- [*] umich-sites.html; a list of UMich mirrors
- [*] uuUndo 1.0; a batch uudecoding utility
- [*] VacationMail 1.1; an emila auto-responder
- [*] Waves in Motion Demos (2 msgs)
- [*] Wolfenstein-3d-2nd-Encounter-levels
- ! Digester for the Mac !
- [Q] Choosing a printer without a network
- [Q] Colorado
- [Q] Help needed with ethernet
- [Q] Monitor multiscan 17"
- desktop problem with 660AV
- Does AtEase prevent AppleScripts from executing?
- File Sharing
- First Class 2.6 TCP problem
- Fixing SE/30 ... worth it? (Q)
- Formatting a new internal drive (Q)
- Getting LpDaemon to work (Q)
- getting the errant window back on screen
- Giffer/GIFConverter/QuickGif
- Growing System Software (R)
- Helper Application File Launching
- Help with Mosaic/Netscape and HTML files
- image?
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #145
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #147
- Info desesperately needed
- ISDN interface for Mac [R]
- Macquisition world-wide release
- Mac SE rehab-able?
- Mounting SUN server on Mac hard drive [R]
- Mouse-N-Math Info and Announcement
- Newer Tech MacClip Accelerator (Q)
- News Server On a Mac?
- No room in Heap Zone? [R]
- Now QuickFiler Question (R)
- PB Internal Drive Question
- PowerBook Trackball Gummed Up! (Q)
- Radius pivot monitor on LC 475?
- Sound Manager on Performa
- Two Common Probs (Bugs?) With 7.5
- Version Numbers
- Where is the MacWEEK EasyView view? (R)
- Word 6 is not backwards compatible to Word 5
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and
- segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to
- backmod@sumex-aim.stanford.edu and upload it to:
- ftp://daemon.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Incoming
- As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 11:26:50 -0600 (CST)
- From: Gordon Watts -- U of Rochester <GWATTS@acdfq.fnal.gov>
- Subject: [!] The MIME digest
- Hi,
- Well, I got a lot of comments from that test posting!
- First thing, my fault! I broke the RFC 1152 digest format. That was not on
- purpose! I'm going to fix that. That broke the emacs readers and a lot of
- other undigestifiers.
- As to the MIME people. I actually heard very little from folks useing MIME --
- did it work, did it help? One comment I recieved was that the person hated now
- having to page through each individual e-mail instead of browsing the email as
- a
- whole.
- A lot of you asked... what the heck is MIME!? Well, for starters, I've
- uploaded the MIME faq, from the newsgroup comp.mime.mail (I pulled it down off
- of comp.answers). It contains a short description of MIME as well as readers
- that support it. Anytime you get a mail message that has, in the header,
- "Mime-Vesrion 1.0", then you know you are getting a mail message sent by a MIME
- mailer.
- MIME is a cool way of packing more into a mail message. Figures, pictures,
- sounds, binary files, special quotes and characters, etc. We aren't going to do
- most of that for the digest. The reason we are thinking about switching to MIME
- is to make it easy for MIME folks to reply directly to the posters. The MIME
- format of the digest makes a MIME reader think each individual post in the
- digest is really a seperate e-mail message complete with "From:", "To:", etc.
- headings.
- For more info on MIME, please, read the FAQ. It should appear at all the
- mirrors shortly.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/mime-faq.txt; 110K]
- So, my plans are to fix up the digest, get it back into RFC compliance, and
- then try another test posting. First think next week, I hope. Please, let me
- know if you like the new format (you MIME readers), hate it, etc. etc. Let me
- know how many digest readers it breaks, etc. etc. That is what will decide if
- we go to the new format or we don't.
- By the way -- one great thing I've noticed -- a huge number of requests for
- the mirror site list! Yes! Please, keep it up. Use those mirrors. If you
- have problems with mirrors, email us. Liam, our special projects person, takes
- care of the mirrors and he will look into the problems.
- Cheers,
- Gordon (info-mac moderator)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 09:13:37 EST
- From: Paul_C.H._Ho@mail.magic.ca
- Subject: [*] All Midi 1.1.2 ; A MIDI to QT 2.0 Music converter
- All Midi 1.1.2 941110
- Copyright(c)1994 Paul C.H. Ho and Pink Elephant Technologies. All rights
- reserved.
- This is Freeware.
- The fastest way to convert MIDI files to QuickTime 2.0 Movies. No need to
- change
- file type and press all those "Convert..." and "Options..." button, just
- drag and
- drop!
- What's new in 1.1.2?
- + Fixed a bug in batch processing introduced in 1.1.1.
- + Clean up MooV if there is an error, file full etc.
- Internet:
- paulcho@io.org
- Paul_C.H._Ho@magic.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/all-midi-112.hqx; 22K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 21:12:35 -0500
- From: gnudd@bga.com (Greg Nudd)
- Subject: [*] Bill-IT(tm): an integrated billing system for small businesses
- Bill-IT(tm) is an extremely fast integrated billing system for small
- businesses or organizations. Invoices which allow up to 60 lines, accounts
- receivable and automatic billing are key functions of this product. The
- billing screen looks much like an invoice and as you enter a customer
- number it automatically brings to the screen the customer name, billing
- information and discount levels, and the current balance due. It will also
- create files for direct import into the "QwikSHIP" UPS manifest program.
- Bill-IT is ideal for a business that has less than 8,000 customers and
- 8,000 inventory items. Many accounting packages provide for limited
- invoicing functions but Bill-IT is designed to handle these functions in a
- much more sophisticated and automated fashion. An end-of-month summary is
- created for use with your check writing or accounting program.
- Shareware, $79 registration fee
- Mike Nudd
- CopperHead Software
- Internet: mnssi@aol.com
- For more information, see the Copperhead WWW home page
- (http://www.realtime.net/~gnudd/copperhead.html)
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/bill-it-438.hqx; 612K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 94 16:25:50 -0500
- From: grosch@ll.mit.edu (Ted Grosch)
- Subject: [*] CalcOne 1.0.3; a calculator
- Enclosed is a new version of CalcOne 1.0.3 that fixes
- bugs in earlier versions. CalcOne is a soft calculator
- that operates in a standard or RPN entry mode. CalcOne
- has four calculators that are chosen from the menu bar:
- Scientific, Complex math, Financial, and Unit conversions
- CalcOne only takes 70K to run so it can be left on the
- desk top for easy access.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/calc-one-103.hqx; 33K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 07:01:14 +0100
- From: Henrik_Eliasson <Henrik_Eliasson@macexchange.se>
- Subject: [*] CD Menu 1.1; access to audio CDs
- CD Menu 1.1 - a control panel which gives users instant access to their audio C
- Ds.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/cd-menu-11.hqx; 26K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 94 13:57:06 PST
- From: jafl@Alice.Wonderland.Caltech.EDU (John Lindal)
- Subject: [*] DigSimp 3.00; a digital circuit design utility program
- DigSimp 3.00 Digital circuit design utility program.
- You enter the truth table corresponding to
- the function you want to implement, and the
- program will produce a minimized Boolean equation
- that you can implement with AND, OR, and NOT.
- The program will also generate the optimum
- multiplexer arrangement for any truth table.
- You can choose to have the program treat the
- truth table as a combinatorial or a sequential system.
- This is a demo version that does not support direct
- analysis of JK flip-flops.
- John Lindal
- jafl@alice.wonderland.caltech.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/dig-simp-300.hqx; 83K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 20:58:40 -0700
- From: emeb@indirect.com (Eric Brombaugh)
- Subject: [*] DSKA version 1.2; a TMS320C2x assembler for the Macintosh
- Attached is version 1.2 of DSKA, a TMS320C2x assembler for the Macintosh.
- This is an update to version 1.0 which is already in the info-mac archives
- and should replace that version.
- Changes from version 1.0 include a few minor bug-fixes and better compat-
- ibility with standard TMS320 syntax, as well as some minor improvements
- to the user-interface.
- Thanks go mainly to Lloyd Miller for writing the core assembler code, as
- well as Ron Parsons and Gerrit Polder for uncovering some of the syntax and
- default coding issues. A tip of the hat as well to those of you who have
- mailed me regarding this tool - I hope you find it useful!
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/dska-12.hqx; 53K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 01:53:09 -0500
- From: "Bill Steinberg" <billy@panix.com>
- Subject: [*] EMMpathy 1.1; a PowerBook 5xx battery utility
- EMMpathy 1.1 is a small application which tests and repairs all Smart Battery
- memory related errors. If your PB500 series smart batteries are giving you any
- trouble, (they won't charge; they get very hot when they charge; they don't
- show
- up at all in the control strip; etc), EMMpathy can probably fix them.
- EMMpathy is free. This is the full version of EMMpathy(tm) from VST Power
- Systems, Inc. This is NOT a demo or "lite" version.
- Submitted by the author and copyright holder, Bill Steinberg (billy@panix.com)
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/emmpathy-11.hqx; 46K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 23:04:14 -0500
- From: maurits@husc.harvard.edu
- Subject: [*] ExerciseLog 1.15; keep track of your exercise program
- Exercise Log is a Hypercard-based activities log that lets you store
- information about each workout you do in an unlimited number of sports.
- It offers an attractive and useful middle ground between paper-based logs
- (in which you have to do all the tallying, etc. yourself) and spread-sheet
- models (which tend to be too rigid for free-form information entry).
- For each workout, there are fields for date, sport, workout-type, effort,
- distance, time, pace, course-name, details, comments, pulse, weight, weather,
- and equipment used (shoes, inline skates, bike equipment, etc.), including
- a separate provision for warmup equipment (and distance and time).
- The log will automatically calculate pace, and total distances, time spent,
- and number of workouts in a week or year-to-date.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/exercise-log-115-hc.hqx; 214K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 23:37:23 -0500 (EST)
- From: Bill Johnston <johnston@me.udel.edu>
- Subject: [*] FinderPrefs7.sit -- wider name field for Finder views
- The archive "FinderPreferences7.sit contains three patched replacements
- for the default Finder Preferences file for System 7, which has been
- altered to provide a wider name field for Finder list views. This is
- submitted "as-is" -- it works as advertised on my machine running 7.5,
- and should be compatible with earlier 7.x versions. Please don't
- hassle the author -- but if someone wants to send me a copy of the
- hacked ResEdit version that was used to make these, I'd be willing
- to take a crack at making a few more.
- -- Bill Johnston (johnston@me.udel.edu)
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/preferences-finder7.hqx; 11K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 23:37:23 -0500 (EST)
- From: Bill Johnston <johnston@me.udel.edu>
- Subject: [*] FinderPrefs7.sit -- wider name field for Finder views
- The archive "FinderPreferences7.sit contains three patched replacements
- for the default Finder Preferences file for System 7, which has been
- altered to provide a wider name field for Finder list views. This is
- submitted "as-is" -- it works as advertised on my machine running 7.5,
- and should be compatible with earlier 7.x versions. Please don't
- hassle the author -- but if someone wants to send me a copy of the
- hacked ResEdit version that was used to make these, I'd be willing
- to take a crack at making a few more.
- -- Bill Johnston (johnston@me.udel.edu)
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/preferences-finder7.hqx; 11K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 94 23:03:33 CST
- From: pete@cs.rice.edu (Pete)
- Subject: [*] GNU Diff Event Server
- I hacked these sources to give 'diff' a Apple Event interface instead of
- the previous dialog interface. 'diff' now processes a single doscript
- ('DOSC') event and quits. The doscript event consists of the command line
- arguments that would have been passed to 'diff' had this been on Unix.
- There's also a hack to allow filenames to be delimited by double quotes.
- 'diff' is now used as a diff tool by the Alpha text editor.
- Pete Keleher
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/gnu-diff-event-server.hqx; 283K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 09:36:02 -0600 (CST)
- From: Tim Jones <jones@bga.com>
- Subject: [*] info-mac-sites.html; a list of mirror sites
- This is a new version of the Mosaic page for accessing Info-Mac mirror
- sites.
- This page is also available at the URL:
- http://www.realtime.net/~jones/info-mac-sites.html
- Tim Jones
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/info-mac-mirrors-11-html.txt; 12K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Nov 1994 05:22:57 +0100
- From: "Martin Simoneau" <simoneau.martin@uqam.ca>
- Subject: [*] InternetSiteAOCE1.0; a PowerTalk template for Internet sites
- I have written a template (AOCE) to keep track of Internet sites.
- You can access a given site from the template using the Apple Event
- mechanism.
- Martin Simoneau
- Simoneau.Martin@uqam.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/internet-sites-aoce-10.hqx; 227K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 15:02:33 -0800
- From: jims@wrq.com (Jim Stout)
- Subject: [*] jims-demoCDEF-v130; sample control definitions
- Hello,
- This is version 1.30 of my CDEF package. This package is a replacement for my
- earlier postings of "jims-demoCDEF-v1xx", and "jims-CDEF-update".
- Complete source code is included with this posting.
- Jim Stout - November, 1994
- This package is a collection of 10 CDEF (Control Definition) resources, full
- source and Think 6 projects for all CDEFs.
- ID Name Function
- 100 GroupBox Titled box, text in upperleft
- 101 PopUp Menu System 7 style popup menu control
- 102 Spinner A "little arrows" control
- 103 Date & Time Date & Time control using "little arrows"
- 104 Tog Button New type of "one or many" control
- 105 HSlider Horizontal slider control
- 106 VSlider Vertical slider control
- 107 3D Buttons 3d replacement for the standard button CDEF
- 108 Progress Bar A "thermometer" or "barber pole" progress indicator
- 109 TabPanel A "Tab Panel" control as in MSWord
- Changes in v130 are:
- - Full source is included for all 10 CDEFs.
- - fixed a bug in the Tab Panel CDEF on non-color Macs (yeah,
- I called a color routine).
- - will compile with Think 7 or Think 6
- - PopUp Menu CDEF is fully compatible with Apple's CDEF 63.
- - works the same under System 6 or System 7.
- - supports menus with Icons and styled text titles.
- - supports "dynamic" menus create via NewMenu() instead of GetMenu()
- - 7 new variations in addition to standard ones.
- - GroupBox CDEF has a new 3D type variation.
- - Spinner CDEF has a horizontal arrow variation.
- - Tab Panel CDEF can now have 2-8 tabs per row. Default is 4.
- - demoCDEF program enhanced to show CDEF use in a normal window and
- to compare with CDEF 63. Several simple Tab Panel demos as well.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/jims-demo-cdefs-13.hqx; 394K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 00:15:54 -0500 (EST)
- From: f8dy@netaxs.com
- Subject: [*] Jotto ][ 1.2; a word game
- Jotto ][ 1.2 is a word game based on logic and frustration. The computer
- picks a random word (5 or 6 letters) and you have fifteen tries to guess it.
- Similar to Mastermind, only with words. Improvements in version 1.2:
- improved the note pad, fixed several obscure bugs, many technical
- improvements. Copyright (C) 1993-4, Mark Pilgrim. Free, distributed
- under the GNU General Public License. System 7.0 or later.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/jotto-ii-12.hqx; 302K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/jotto-ii-12-c.hqx; 471K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 12:09:37 -0600
- From: daix@clipper.ens.fr (David-Artur Daix)
- Subject: [*] LastBoyScout and LethalWeapon sound archives
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/last-boy-scout-grp1.hqx; 1440K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/last-boy-scout-grp2.hqx; 1392K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/last-boy-scout-grp3.hqx; 1664K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/lethal-weapon.hqx; 1640K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 94 09:53 PST
- From: xxltony@crash.cts.com (Tony Lindsey)
- Subject: [*] Mac*Chat#56/31-Oct-94; a newsletter
- Welcome to Mac*Chat, the free, monthly electronic newsletter biased
- toward Mac users who are production-oriented professionals. Other
- Mac users may find many, many items of interest as well. I'd enjoy
- hearing your feedback and suggestions.
- Tony Lindsey, <xxltony@crash.cts.com>.
- Topics:
- Welcome To The New Folks!
- Mac*Chat Is Spreading Over The Planet
- What To Do With Obsolete Computers
- My Advice To A Iifx Owner
- Iicx Floppy Drives
- Donating Equipment To Schools
- Screen Roms And Upgrades
- Internal Batteries Are Dying
- Hard Drives Are Dying
- Cartridge Drives
- Bernoulli Drives
- Syquest Drives
- Readable-Writeable Optical Drives
- Bottom Line On Cartridge Drives
- Active Termination
- Don't Dump Those Catalogs Yet!
- Free Subscriptions To This Newsletter
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/chat/mac-chat-056-etx.txt; 19K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 09:37:22 -0600 (CST)
- From: Tim Jones <jones@bga.com>
- Subject: [*] mac-ftp-sites.391.html; Bruce Grubb's list in HTML format
- This is a new version of the Mosaic page for accessing Bruce Grubb's list
- of ftp sites.
- This page is also available at the URL:
- http://www.realtime.net/~jones/mac-ftp-sites.html
- Tim Jones
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/mac-ftp-list-391-html.txt; 57K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 09:22:40 -0700
- From: neese@spot.Colorado.EDU (Tim Neese)
- Subject: [*] MailShare 1.0b8 - a Mac POP email server
- Here is MailShare 1.0b8, it has a couple of bugs fixed as well as a few new
- features. Make a backup copy of your MailShare preferences file before
- upgrading as the new preferences file format is not backwards compatible.
- New features:
- The preferences file has been revamped, all user information is now stored
- in the data fork and passwords are encrypted.
- An <any-name> account which will accept mail for any name if it is enabled.
- Save as files forwarding option, this saves messages as individual files in
- the folder specified. The files also have a STR ID 8192 resource with who
- the message is from and a STR# 8192 resource with who the message is to.
- An Incoming Mail folder in the MailShare folder, applications can put text
- files in here to be delivered via MailShare. The file needs a STR resource
- ID 8192 containg who the message is from and a STR# resource ID 8192
- containing a list of recipients.
- See the release notes for a list of other minor changes.
- Glenn.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/mail/mail-share-10b8.hqx; 112K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 02:45:21 -0800
- From: barry@playfair.stanford.edu (Barry Eynon)
- Subject: [*] Medieval Empires Demo 3.1.3; a game
- Medieval Empires is a simulation of the rise and fall of Kingdoms
- and Empires in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa in the years
- >From 770 to 1470. The players take the part of medieval monarchs and
- attempt to lead their dynasties to historical prominence. In this demo
- version, only the 1100-1200 scenario may be played. ME is a fat binary.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/medieval-empires-313-demo.hqx; 687K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 13:28:47 -0600 (CST)
- From: Erich Bratton <ebratton@sparc0a.cs.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: [*] NetRPG 1.06 Source code
- NetRPG is a mac-based TCP/IP internet chat server made specifically for
- playing role-playing games over the net.
- Source is Think pascal 4.
- --Erich
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/net-rpg-106-p.hqx; 334K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 17:08:00 +1300
- From: "matt n." <CLAS005@cantva.canterbury.ac.nz>
- Subject: [*] news-while-u-sleep; downloads Usenet news while you sleep
- Here is News-while-u-sleep, a Hypercard stack. (Perhaps requires 2.2,
- not tested under 2.1 or lower.)
- This stack solves an extremely specific problem, namely:
- * You are connected to the internet by MacTCP;
- * you read Usenet News from an internet newsserver;
- * your newsserver doesn't hold articles very long, so if you do not read
- often, you miss things;
- * you don't want to have to read often (perhaps you are going away for a
- week or two), and you don't want to miss anything;
- * but your newsreader can't automatically download for you while you are
- away.
- When this stack starts up, it downloads all new news-items in each
- news-group you name to a designated folder as individual textfiles, and
- then quits. It's up to you to start it up automatically somehow (I use
- QuicKeys to start it each night). **Very slow** but since you are
- presumably asleep at the time you won't care.
- I take little credit for this; the XCMDs and most of the programming are
- >From other folks. All I did was put it all together to do this
- particular job. Free to distribute (unaltered) by any medium.
- matt neuburg, phd = clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/news-while-u-sleep-hc.hqx; 16K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 14:42:29 -0500 (EST)
- From: chemalyr@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chemaly Rene)
- Subject: [*] Pro Predictor Week#10 Update; NFL data file
- Latest PRO1994 file to be used with PRO Predictor 2.6S or preferably 2.6R.
- For any info on how to register the software or whatever question you may
- have, email rscotsmith@aol.com. I can also forward the messages to him
- if you prefer. Enjoy!
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/pro/pro-predictor-94-10.hqx; 15K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 15:50:11 -0600
- From: Chris Williams <willi123@gold.tc.umn.edu>
- Subject: [*] Public Address BBS Modem Driver for the LineLink 144e modem
- Attached is the Modem Driver for the LineLink 144e modem. This driver is
- for use with the Public Address (PA) BBS Software.
- Chris Williams - willi123@gold.tc.umn.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/pa-line-link-144e-driver.hqx; 8K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 20:16:21 -0500
- From: gnudd@bga.com (Greg Nudd)
- Subject: [*] QwikBILL(tm): a simple invoicing/bidding/accounts receivable app.
- QwikBILL(tm) (formerly called "CS Service Invoice(tm)") is an ultra simple
- invoicing / Bidding / Accounts Receivable program. It was design to allow
- small service firms, contractors, and other independent providers of
- services, such as consultants, a quick and easy method of keeping track of
- sales, bids and accounts receivable. No general ledger account numbers and
- no inventories. Just point and click billing.
- ("CS Service Invoice(tm)" was a 1994 MacUser Interactive Shareware Award
- finalist.)
- To use your own custom letterhead create it first in a "Draw" program that
- can save as "PICT" files. When you are happy with your drawing just select
- it, copy it to the clipboard, open "QwikBILL", and Paste it into the
- Invoice and/or Statement box on the PICT letterhead window.
- Shareware, $49 registration fee
- Mike Nudd
- CopperHead Software
- Internet: mnssi@aol.com
- For more information, see the Copperhead WWW home page
- (http://www.realtime.net/~gnudd/copperhead.html)
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/qwik-bill-122.hqx; 322K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 20:16:21 -0500
- From: gnudd@bga.com (Greg Nudd)
- Subject: [*] QwikBILL(tm): a simple invoicing/bidding/accounts receivable app.
- QwikBILL(tm) (formerly called "CS Service Invoice(tm)") is an ultra simple
- invoicing / Bidding / Accounts Receivable program. It was design to allow
- small service firms, contractors, and other independent providers of
- services, such as consultants, a quick and easy method of keeping track of
- sales, bids and accounts receivable. No general ledger account numbers and
- no inventories. Just point and click billing.
- ("CS Service Invoice(tm)" was a 1994 MacUser Interactive Shareware Award
- finalist.)
- To use your own custom letterhead create it first in a "Draw" program that
- can save as "PICT" files. When you are happy with your drawing just select
- it, copy it to the clipboard, open "QwikBILL", and Paste it into the
- Invoice and/or Statement box on the PICT letterhead window.
- Shareware, $49 registration fee
- Mike Nudd
- CopperHead Software
- Internet: mnssi@aol.com
- For more information, see the Copperhead WWW home page
- (http://www.realtime.net/~gnudd/copperhead.html)
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/qwik-bill-122.hqx; 322K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 20:31:14 -0500
- From: gnudd@bga.com (Greg Nudd)
- Subject: [*] QwikLOOKups(tm): a UPS shipping charges calculation app.
- QwikLOOKups(tm) is a UPS shipping charges calculator for the Macintosh. It
- was designed for the business or individual that does United Parcel Service
- shipping but averages less than the 20 or so packages a day needed to
- justify using a full UPS manifest system. The QwikLOOKups program works as
- a fast shipping charges calculator that can work as a desk accessory under
- System 7. It handles both domestic and international UPS shipping.
- Shareware, $39 registration fee
- Mike Nudd
- CopperHead Software
- Internet: mnssi@aol.com
- For more information, see the Copperhead WWW home page
- (http://www.realtime.net/~gnudd/copperhead.html)
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/qwik-look-ups-431.hqx; 733K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 20:22:32 -0500
- From: gnudd@bga.com (Greg Nudd)
- Subject: [*] QwikMAIL(tm): a mail list manager with label printing
- QwikMAIL(tm) is a complete mail list manager with label printing that can
- access the customer information in QwikBILL files. You can have it create
- a mailing list by items purchased, invoice date, zip code, etc. Five types
- of labels are supported including using a custom drawing as your background
- and label printer shipping labels. Note that "QwikBILL Mailings" can
- contain an entire database of different shipping labels and will use
- whichever one you have selected.
- Shareware, $19 registration fee
- Mike Nudd
- CopperHead Software
- Internet: mnssi@aol.com
- For more information, see the Copperhead WWW home page
- (http://www.realtime.net/~gnudd/copperhead.html)
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/qwik-mail-122.hqx; 235K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 21:08:11 -0500
- From: gnudd@bga.com (Greg Nudd)
- Subject: [*] QwikRAFFLE(tm): is an application for printing raffle tickets
- QwikRAFFLE(tm) allows you to print books of raffle tickets. Design your
- own ticket, stubs and covers in a "Draw" program and drop them into the
- QwikRAFFLE program for printing , setting the order and numbering.
- Shareware, $19 registration fee
- Mike Nudd
- CopperHead Software
- Internet: mnssi@aol.com
- For more information, see the Copperhead WWW home page
- (http://www.realtime.net/~gnudd/copperhead.html)
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/qwik-raffle-102.hqx; 204K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 20:47:13 -0500
- From: gnudd@bga.com (Greg Nudd)
- Subject: [*] QwikSHIP(tm): a full UPS manifest program
- QwikSHIP(tm) is a full UPS manifest program has manifests and labels that
- have been approved by United Parcel Service. The program is actually two
- programs in one. At one level the QwikSHIP(tm) program works as a fast
- shipping charges calculator that can work as a desk accessory under System
- 7. At the other level it is a complete computer manifest system that
- handles both domestic and international UPS shipping. It also allows you
- to fill out, store and print short form Bills of Lading for trucking
- companies. This shipping information is added into the client shipping
- histories. If you can use any of these, then check this one out.
- Shareware, $99 registration fee
- Mike Nudd
- CopperHead Software
- Internet: mnssi@aol.com
- For more information, see the Copperhead WWW home page
- (http://www.realtime.net/~gnudd/copperhead.html)
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/qwik-ship-433.hqx; 996K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 20:28:48 -0500
- From: gnudd@bga.com (Greg Nudd)
- Subject: [*] QwikSIGNOUT(tm): a sign in/sign out board application
- QwikSIGNOUT(tm) with Time Clock is a stand alone application that works
- like a sign in/sign out board. Helps keep track of who is where, etc. It
- also functions as a time clock allowing employees to clock in and out.
- Shareware, $19 registration fee
- Mike Nudd
- CopperHead Software
- Internet: mnssi@aol.com
- For more information, see the Copperhead WWW home page
- (http://www.realtime.net/~gnudd/copperhead.html)
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/qwik-signout-103.hqx; 203K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 14:36:29 -0600
- From: h.rzepa@ic.ac.uk (Rzepa,Henry) (Rzepa,Henry)
- Subject: [*] RasMac 2.5; molecular visualisation program
- RasMac 2.5 is a "fat" binary Macintosh version of the RasMol molecular
- visualisation
- program written by Roger Sayle. It will read molecular coordinate files in
- Brookhaven pdb format, as well as several others, and is capable of a rich set
- of rendering and annotation options. It can read pdb files at least as large as
- 10,000 atoms, and on a PowerMac, can rotate and display them with
- admirable speed. The program comes with a .hlp file, and several examples.
- Dr Henry Rzepa, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College, LONDON SW7 2AY;
- rzepa@ic.ac.uk via Eudora 2.1.1, Tel (44) 171 594 5774 or 594 5809.
- http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa.html
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/ras-mac-25.hqx; 727K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 23:33:15 -0800
- From: iceman@eskimo.com (Tuan Huynh)
- Subject: [*] Space Junkie 1.1a; an arcade game
- Space Junkie is a shareware color arcade game for the Macintosh somewhat
- based on the classic game Galaxian. It features colorful graphics, fast and
- smooth 60fps animation and arcade-like sounds.
- * Now runs fine on PowerMacs.
- Please consult the Read Me file for more info.
- This game requires the following minimum hardware configuration:
- - A color Macintosh with a 68020 CPU or better.
- - A color or grayscale display with at least 16 colors and a minimum size of
- 512x384 pixels.
- - At least 350Kb to run.
- - 80 Kb on your hard disk (I hope that's not too much to ask for... :-)
- Space Junkie is compatible with all known and reasonable Macintosh
- configurations. It runs under either 24-bit or 32-bit mode and with any
- number of monitors. It is compatible with both System 6 and 7 and was tested
- on the Macintosh SE/30, II, LC, Color Powerbook, IIfx, IIsi, Color Classic,
- IIci, Centris, Quadra and PowerMacs computers.
- I can be reached via E-mail at iceman@eskimo.com.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/space-junkie-11a.hqx; 69K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 14:08:13 -0600
- From: gas52r0@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (Jay Boersma)
- Subject: [*] Spike-Jones-grp2; some sounds
- In response to many requests, here is Spike-Jones-grp2, another collection
- of whistles, hiccups, glugs, toots, shatters, honks, gunshots, tweets,
- screams, tinkles, crashes, bleats, and other sounds from the musical
- repertoire of Spike Jones.
- In Mr. Jones own words, "Thank you music lovers."
- Jay Boersma
- gas52r0@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/spike-jones-grp2.hqx; 1378K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:39:32 -0600
- From: Paul Koch <prkoch@engecs1.unl.edu>
- Subject: [*] SpiroChart 2.0 for Excel. Draws spiral designs.
- SpiroChart 2.0 is an Excel 4.0 spreadsheet that generates a fascinating
- variety of spiral and angular designs, based on numbers selected by the
- user. Results resemble drawings made by the commercial toy SpiroGraph.
- Version 2.0 consolidates the four spreadsheets from the previous
- version (1.6a) into one spreadsheet, adding a new twist to the figures and
- calculating points in a third dimension. Some of the functionality of
- the previous version has been dropped.
- Please replace the previous version in the grf/util directory with this
- update. Thank you.
- Paul Koch
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/spiro-chart-20-excel.hqx; 250K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Nov 94 01:02:09 EST
- From: "Richard A. Bray" <72520.3021@compuserve.com>
- Subject: [*] TextStreamer 2.1; concatenates files
- This is a text concatenation program. A simple drag-n-drop box
- that will combine text files that are dropped on it.
- It has several features:
- - File headers
- User can modify header string
- - Page Breaks between files.
- - Reverse order sorting
- - Automatically put originals in Trash
- Hope you like it.
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/text-streamer-21.hqx; 25K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 18:13:47 -0800
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] Toggle PPP, an AppleScript for MacPPP
- [Submitted for Dennis -ace]
- Enclosed is the script that I use to toggle MacPPP between
- open and closed and write a log containing the date, beginning time, ending
- time, and minutes connected (rounding up) to a tab deliminated text file. The
- script can be edited and I commented everything I could think of in the
- script so there's no read me file other than that.
- A couple of notes: This script requires MacPPP Control (1.2 is what I'm
- using) to open and close the PPP connections. It also requires the Read/Write
- Commands osax as shipped with AppleScript 1.1. PowerMac users may experience
- difficulties with version 1.1 of this osax (this was fixed with version
- 1.1.1 shipping with System 7.5). MacPPP Control and a beta of Read/Write
- Commands 1.1.1 is available from the Mac Scripting site at:
- ftp://gaea.kgs.ukans.edu/
- Dennis L. Whiteman
- ultimate@mail.icon.net
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/toggle-ppp-as.hqx; 8K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:38:01 -0500
- From: giles@med.cornell.edu (Aaron Giles)
- Subject: [*] Transparency 1.0; a GIF utility
- This is the first official release of Transparency, an extremely simple
- free utility for setting the transparency index in GIF images. Transparent
- GIF images are most commonly used as inline images in WWW pages, though
- they may have other uses as well.
- Transparency is shipped, like all my software, as a fat binary, running
- incredibly quickly on PowerPC machines.
- If you find any bugs or have any comments, please email me at
- giles@med.cornell.edu. Thank you.
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/transparency-10.hqx; 36K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 05 Nov 1994 18:45:10 -0500 (EST)
- From: "Chris Thomas, ICONtact Developer Database Librarian"
- <THUNDERONE@delphi.com>
- Subject: [*] Tzu Release 4 for CodeWarrior
- Tzu Release 4 for CodeWarrior
- + What It Does
- Tzu installs a new menu in CodeWarrior's menu bar. This menu contains
- Tzu Tools. Tzu Tools are easy-to-write code resources. When a Tool is
- chosen, it does something to the text selected in the frontmost
- window. Tzu/4 features:
- - user-definable command keys
- - works well with multiple CW enviroments
- - simple Tzu Tool-writing interface
- - sample Tzu Tools complete with source included
- - resolves tool aliases
- - unlimited number of tools
- + What It Is
- Tzu is a 68k extension, but a relatively well-behaved (ROTFL) extension.
- It should work with all CodeWarrior enviroments (68k/PPC/Pascal/C++).
- PPC-savvy version coming soon.
- Tzu is Free. Speak no money, Hear no money, Send no money.
- + What's New
- In release 4:
- * The menu title now dims & lightens properly according to the front
- window.
- * Added yet more Finder niceties.
- * Misc. fixes for non-crashing bugs.
- * Each running CodeWarrior enviroment now gets a different instance of
- Tzu. This eliminates all problems involved with using Tzu in a
- multi-enviroment enviroment.
- In release 3 (select audiences only):
- * New Tzu Tools.
- * Added menu item to check for new Tzu Tools and add them to
- the menu. Don't have to quit and re-enter CodeWarrior anymore.
- * Discovered that some invariably Un*x software was screwing up the
- description in Info-Mac digest because I was using equal signs in my
- section headings. Fixed.
- * Added unhelpful Finder balloon help after reading in c.s.m.system
- about the impossibility of trying to figure out what each extension does
- in 7.5.
- * Complete internal reorganization. No real visible changes, but the
- changes will greatly increase the speed with which I can make changes
- in the future.
- * Icon now shown at startup.
- * Tweaked icon a bit more & added new tool icon.
- + How To Contact Me
- I'm available, as always, at <thunderone@delphi.com>. Feel free to send
- suggestions, code, bug reports, faint praise, comments, job offers, and
- your favorite explicit GIFs. Send me your Tzu Tools and I'll include
- them in the next release.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/tzu-10a4.hqx; 186K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 09:38:37 -0600 (CST)
- From: Tim Jones <jones@bga.com>
- Subject: [*] umich-sites.html; a list of UMich mirrors
- This is a new Mosaic page for accessing UMich Mac archives mirror
- sites.
- This page is also available at the URL:
- http://www.realtime.net/~jones/umich-sites.html
- Tim Jones
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/umich-sites-html.txt; 7K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:38:18 -0500
- From: giles@med.cornell.edu (Aaron Giles)
- Subject: [*] uuUndo 1.0; a batch uudecoding utility
- This is the first official release of uuUndo, a fast, free batch uudecoding
- utility for the Macintosh. Although uuUndo was originally designed to work
- with John Norstad's NewsWatcher, it does quite nicely in its own right as a
- standalone drag and drop smart uudecoder.
- uuUndo is shipped as a fat binary, running incredibly quickly on PowerPC
- machines, and makes full use of asynchronous I/O to ensure smooth operation
- in the background. Because it is based on Leonard Rosenthal's DropShell
- code, uuUndo is also fully scriptable and recordable. uuUndo requires
- System 7.
- If you find any bugs or have any comments, please email me at
- giles@med.cornell.edu. Thank you.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/uu-undo-10.hqx; 58K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 15:04:20 -0700
- From: michael@mrmac.com (MR Mac - Michael Robertson)
- Subject: [*] VacationMail 1.1; an emila auto-responder
- VacationMail is a utility for UNIX based e-mail users (such as
- Eudora, TCP Connect, ZMail, LeeMail, etc.) that quickly and easily configures
- the vacation feature to reply to all incoming e-mail messages while
- users are unavailable.
- Features
- o Easy interaction/setup of Vacation feature
- o Responds to messages even if you NOT checking your mail
- o Environment sensitive configuration guidance
- o Online Balloon Help
- Version 1.1 Notes
- Version 1.1 has been improved to allow larger vacation messages and is more
- easily customizable to adapt to the many flavors of Unix. If you need
- VacationMail customized for your environment, send a message to
- sales@mrmac.com and we'll be happy to accomodate you.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/mail/vacation-mail-11-demo.hqx; 55K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 01:05:38 -0500
- From: waves@cam.org (Vincenzo P. Menanno)
- Subject: [*] Waves in Motion Demos
- I am sending you a couple of my FileMaker Pro databases to be made
- available of the Internet.
- The "fmpro Multipurpose Tracker" is a new version, the "fmpro Statistics
- Galore" is the basically the same with some minor adjustments.
- Thank-you very much Vince
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/waves-in-motion-demo-fmpro.hqx; 465K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 01:05:38 -0500
- From: waves@cam.org (Vincenzo P. Menanno)
- Subject: [*] Waves in Motion Demos
- I am sending you a couple of my FileMaker Pro databases to be made
- available of the Internet.
- The "fmpro Multipurpose Tracker" is a new version, the "fmpro Statistics
- Galore" is the basically the same with some minor adjustments.
- Thank-you very much Vince
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/waves-in-motion-demo-fmpro.hqx; 465K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:39:21 -0600
- From: Christopher Hopkins <chopkins@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu>
- Subject: [*] Wolfenstein-3d-2nd-Encounter-levels
- I finished Wolfenstein--Second Encounter within a few days after buying
- it. I saved the game at each level so if one level is giving you a
- particular problem you can skip to the next with these. Also included is
- the "secret" level 6-7.
- Requires Wolfenstein 3-d Second Encounter.
- Christopher
- Tulane Law
- chopkins@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/wolfenstein-threed-levels.hqx; 180K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 94 10:53:37 +0100
- From: A.C.vanderHam@ET.TUDelft.NL (Andre' C. van der Ham)
- Subject: ! Digester for the Mac !
- Due to the change in the format of the infomac digest (starting with issue
- 147) the old digester program does not function properly; core dumped 8~Z.
- The new source for the digester can be fetched at:
- http://dutera.et.tudelft.nl/people/vdham/info-mac/
- Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll recompile a new version for the Mac and
- post it a.s.a.p.
- Andre' van der Ham.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 15:18:31 +0000 (GMT)
- From: Charlie Stross <charless@sco.COM>
- Subject: [Q] Choosing a printer without a network
- Hi there.
- My other half has borrowed my rather old powerbook with the idea of using
- it while studying at a university that isn't exactly next door to here.
- It's configured with System 7.5b2 (the Mozart release) and is using
- the Laserwriter 8 printer driver.
- She wants to be able to print stuff out while at the university. This means,
- in practice, putting postscript in a file, transferring it to one of the
- Suns, and downloading it to a central laserprinter that can emulate a
- Laserwriter II.
- However, the printer driver is currently set up to think it's talking to
- a Laserwriter NT (and the output it produces isn't compatible with the
- central system). So she needs to change printers in the Chooser -- without
- plugging the powerbook into an Appletalk network (as there are no Macs at
- this university!).
- Paradox: she can't print postscript to a file until she's changed printer
- definitions -- but to change printer definitions she's got to be plugged
- into a network (or a printer).
- Does anyone know of a quick fix to let her do this without the aid of a
- vastly-difficult-to-locate Laserwriter II?
- (A final aside: I'm passing this on second-hand as (a) she doesn't get
- Info-Mac, and (b) I can't get my hands on the machine to see if _I_ can
- figure out a solution. I figure changing printer setup without a network
- should be pretty obvious ... but how?)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 10:52:53 -0600
- From: co344@po.cwru.edu (Dirk Thompson)
- Subject: [Q] Colorado
- We recently purchased a Colorado PowerTape Backup (2 GB compressed
- capacity) for our Windows machines. It has a 50-pin Centronics (SCSI)
- connection that fit nicely into my Mac's SCSI chain. I used Hard Disk
- Toolkit's Prober, and it saw the drive!
- Now, how can I make use of it? Is there any freeware or shareware that can
- do simple back-ups to a tape drive. Does Switchback copy to a tape drive?
- Is there a way to have a tape mount onto the desktop to copy files to it?
- (I know it would be abyssally slow, but I'd be home in bed, not waiting for
- it.) TIA for any help.
- Dirk Thompson
- co344@po.cwru.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 23:37:27 +0000
- From: Neil Christie <neil@christie.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: [Q] Help needed with ethernet
- At present I know nothing about ethernet and could do with some help from
- the readers of this list.
- I need to link two macs, a Centris 660AV (which will only need a
- transceiver as it has built in Ethernet) and an LC475, which will need a
- complete card.
- Can this be done with just a direct connection like you can do with a
- localtalk (or mac to printer) cable. Or will I need some other device in
- between such as router or hub or something of that type?
- I was told by one company this can be done if I use a terminator at each
- end but where would these go? (If each mac has one RJ-45 connector, with a
- twisted pair cable going between these connectors there is nowhere to put
- these terminators).
- Is there a (mac specific) ethernet faq? Where?
- Anyone got any recommendations / stay clear offs?
- Cost is a major consideration in this case BTW.
- As I live in Scotland any prices or info specific to Scotland or Britain
- would be appreciated. If I am completely wrong please set me on the right
- tracks.
- I am planning to share my Personal LaserWriter 300 on this network, I
- assume this will run okay sharing it under GX. (It cannot be a stand alone
- node)
- Thanks in advance, Neil.
- Neil Christie, Neil@christie.demon.co.uk, Apple Macintosh Centris 660AV
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 12:52:36 +0100
- From: cerioli@disi.unige.it (Maura Cerioli)
- Subject: [Q] Monitor multiscan 17"
- Hi!
- I'm trying to connect a superVGA monitor to my LC475
- using a self made cable.
- I would like to use the Multiple Scan Display Software
- (by Apple), to switch resolutions without having to restart every
- time (and changing the configuration of my cable).
- For this to work I understand that I should fake my mac,
- convincing it that I'm using an Applea Monitor Multiscan 17".
- So is anybody there who can help me on this?
- I need the sense lines for this monitor, but I don't know
- where to look for them (the file of possible configurations
- I have must be too old to cover this monitor).
- Please answer directly to me (cerioli@disi.unige.it).
- Thanks!
- Maura
- Maura Cerioli
- DISI - Dipartimento di Informatica e Scienze dell'Informazione
- Viale Benedetto XV, 3
- 16132 Genova
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 13:39:18 +0100
- From: mdols@xs4all.nl (Mark Dols)
- Subject: desktop problem with 660AV
- Our Centris 660 AV Mac's all have the same problem: when files are copied
- to the hard disk the desktop file isn't updated (generic icons are
- displayed), so desktop has to be rebuild. We use System 7.1 (Dutch) and
- System Update 3.0. Any suggestions to solve this problem?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 18:42:07 +0100
- From: tech2151@mailszrz.zrz.tu-berlin.d400.de
- Subject: Does AtEase prevent AppleScripts from executing?
- Does anyone know if AppleScripts that use the Finder under System 7.5
- for copying, deleting and the like will in any way work under AtEase.
- I always get error messages like: "The Script could not be executed
- because Finder is no application?"
- Any suggestions would help us keeping our Mac pool tidy.
- Please respond to tech2151@mailszrz.zrz.tu-berlin.de
- Thanks a lot.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 13:07:09 GMT
- From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
- Subject: File Sharing
- Geoffrey Hoffman writes:
- > One of my external drives won't share, and when i select it and select
- > sharing from the file menu, i get an error saying something like
- > "One or more items could not be shared, because not all volumes are
- > available for file sharing."
- You cannot define a folder for sharing if it already contains a folder which is
- being shared. So you must find that shared folder and reset it to "not
- shared".
- Unfortunately I don't know of a way to find these folders.
- I wish the developers of find utilities would implement such a feature.
- Sven
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 11:43:23 -0700
- From: jalvarez@beach.silcom.com (Joe Alvarez)
- Subject: First Class 2.6 TCP problem
- Is there something obvious I'm missing on the First Class 2.6 setup? When I
- try to connect to the Crux BBS (the one bundled with 2.6 on Info-Mac) via
- the Internet, I get this:
- Sorry there has been a Macintosh system error.
- TCP-IP.FCP -23045
- I have selected the "Connect via TCP-IP.FCP" option, but this is obviously
- not enough. Does anyone know what causes this? I have a PPP connection at
- 14.4 and my modem is set to the correct model.
- Thanks in advance!
- Joe Alvarez
- Joe Alvarez --> jalvarez@beach.silcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 15:26:07 -0800 (PST)
- From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
- Subject: Fixing SE/30 ... worth it? (Q)
- I have an SE/30 that's deteriorating :-( It needs a new logic board
- (I'm told, because it sees a ghost external floppy drive) and the
- internal monitor doesn't work anymore. Now, I can still use the SE/30
- thanks to (1) Mark Nutter's System 7.0 patch for the ghost floppy drive,
- and (2) a Radius Color Pivot/LE. However, there are things I cannot do
- (e.g., format a floppy disc) without replacing the logic board. Do you
- think it's worth spending the money to replace the logic board and
- internal monitor on an SE/30, or would it be better to mothball the baby
- and put the repair money toward a new, sexy Mac? (BTW, any opinions of
- what might be a fair cost of repairs?)
- Thanks so much.
- --John.
- J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis, CA 95616-8633
- Internet: <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu> or <jbthoo@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>
- Home Page: <http://math.ucdavis.edu/~jb2>
- [Ohh. I'm sorry. That is what I've got at home. It must be 5 or 6 years old
- now. Never had a problem with it (except the drive stiction problem). I
- really like my SE/30 and haven't felt the need to upgrate until recently.
- Good luck J. -Gordon]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 20:24:17 -0500 (EST)
- From: Rob Costain <rjcost@alcor.concordia.ca>
- Subject: Formatting a new internal drive (Q)
- I just ordered a new internal hard drive for my LC 475 from my university
- computer store. It's a Quantum 540Mb internal SCSI. I'm told that Apple
- HD Setup will only format drives which are pre-installed in Macs by Apple.
- I plan to install the new drive myself. Is there an inexpensive way to
- format my new drive? I know that there is a patch which allows HD Setup
- to recognize other drives, but I'm not sure that I trust it. I'd like to
- know what the alternatives are...
- Thanks in advance.
- Rob Costain | rjcost@alcor.concordia.ca
- Concordia University | rj_cost@pavo.concordia.ca
- Montreal, Quebec, CANADA | rjcost@vax2.concordia.ca
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 09:42:25 +0100
- From: williams@tours.inra.fr (John Williams)
- Subject: Getting LpDaemon to work (Q)
- Anybody able to help with the following? We have tried to set up
- LpDaemon on a Mac Centris 650 without success. Does anyone know if this
- software is supported? Files sent from either a Mac, a PC or a UNIX box
- arrive OK and are detected by the daemon (thanks to its debugger mode).
- However, the last message from the daemon is "Dequeuing file xxxxx" and the
- spool file is deleted without being printed. The printer name is the
- correctly declared in the LPD_Config file and the printer is a LaserWriter
- 630 connected via LocalTalk. *Maybe* the problem is in the config file -
- if anyone has set up a Mac as a print server with this software, I'd
- appreciate a copy of their LPD_Config file
- There is also a problem with the LPR program in the same package -
- it breaks from time to time under system 7.5. Strangely, if you move it
- from, say, the desktop to a folder, it will work once and then break. Move
- it back to the desktop and it will function once again and then ...boom.
- Many thanks in anticipation of suggestions on this one.
- John Williams
- INRA Station de Recherches Avicoles, Centre de Recherches de Tours, 37380
- Nouzilly, France
- Tel (33) 47 42 78 47 Fax/telecopie (33) 47 42 77 78
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 08 Nov 94 22:26:39 EST
- From: Allan Hunter <AHUNTER@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
- Subject: getting the errant window back on screen
- daneel@wicc.weizmann.ac.il (David L. Hirschberg) wrote that he had
- problems on his SE/30 after bringing disks over from a different Mac
- with a 17 inch screen: he'd double-click a disk or folder and it would
- zoom-rect right off the side of the screen.
- Here's a solution designed for this very problem: a Control Panel
- known as DragAnyWindow by Alessandro Montalcini was made for those of
- us who still stare at the 9-inch screen. In addition to being able to
- drag any window, you can CENTER any window using command-control-c (or
- some other combo if you prefer). It's in info-mac/gui and I think the
- current version is 3.01
- -Allan Hunter
- <ahunter@sbccvm>
- <ahunter@ccvm.sunysb.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 09 Nov 1994 14:00:36 -0400 (EDT)
- From: GILBERTG@cofc.edu
- Subject: Giffer/GIFConverter/QuickGif
- Please tell me where I can find any programs that will help me view GIF
- files. I also need to be able to view files on a Mac SE so programs that
- can handle those archaic machines. Thanks.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 15:23:21 +0100
- From: cbuser@ezinfo.vmsmail.ethz.ch (Christian F. Buser)
- Subject: Growing System Software (R)
- Michael Stone, stone@vms.huji.ac.il wrote:
- > Suddenly, the machine informed me that there was no
- > RAM available. OK. I have a Centris 650. 8 mega on the
- > board, another two 8 mega simms, total 24 mega.
- >
- > I looked at "About Macintosh": I was told that the
- > System is taking 20 mega approx. and there are 4 mega
- > avaialbe.
- >
- > Normally the system is about 2 mega.
- .....
- > d. I pulled one SIMM. The System was then about 12 mega.
- This is the effect when you switch off 32bit addressing. Without 32bit
- addressing, a Mac can only access 8mB of memory; all memory above this
- limit is shown as "used by system software".
- Go to the Control Panels (don't remember the English name of the specific
- name of the CP) and switch on 32bit addressing, and then restart. You
- should thereafter see all your available memory, and the system should use
- the normal 2-3 mB.
- Best wishes, Christian.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 11:22:38 -0500
- From: rmiller@ctt.bellcore.com (Richard Miller)
- Subject: Helper Application File Launching
- Hi
- We are looking for a piece of C code that does the equivilent of the Mosaic
- Helper file launching. We want to add the ability of our program to see a
- MIME type or .xyz extension and then launch a specified application. We
- have it working on other platforms but the Mac part of the equation does
- not seem to be covered anywhere. Any suggestions?
- _________
- Richard Miller rmiller@ctt.bellcore.com tel 908.699.4248 USA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 11:50:04 +0000
- From: Big Nose <andy.law@afrc.ac.uk> (Tel \(0\)31 440 2726)
- Subject: Help with Mosaic/Netscape and HTML files
- Andrew,
- I think your problem lies in the setting of your http server, not Netscape or
- your
- HTML. Netscape tries to make multiple connections to servers to grab graphics
- images more than one at a time. I suspect that your http server is refusing to
- service more than one connection at a time.
- Try loading your file with Netscape's multiple connections set to one
- (Preferences:
- Images, Network & Mail) or upping the number of connections that your server
- will
- allow. The latter will ensure that others can view your piccies, but will most
- likely give you a nasty performance hit on your usage while others are logging
- in
- Regards,
- Andy Law
- ( Lawa @ bbsrc.ac.uk )
- ( Big Nose in Edinburgh )
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 94 23:36:06 GMT
- From: tgh3_ltd@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (dead swordsman)
- Subject: image?
- Hello. I just dl something from ftp.apple.com. I decompressed it... and
- it gave me an image. What do I do with it
- ??????
- Help.
- --
- tgh3_ltd@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
- dead swordsman
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 19:42 EST
- From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #145
- In a previous article, edmiller@lanl.gov (E. L. Miller) wrote:
- >
- >Given the recent additions to NewsWatcher --- specifically the ability to
- >open URL's from within the reader itself, I would like to suggest a new
- >archive "tagline" for the Info-Mac Digest. Currently you end each file
- >summary with
- >
- >[Archived as /info-mac...]
- >
- >If instead you ended each with
- >
- >URLs:
- >ftp://...
- >http://...
- >
- >We could just highlight what we wanted and auto-launch Fetch. One
- >"glitch" is that everyone reading the Digest would be hitting the same
- >site. Certainly I'm open for suggestions, corrections, etc. but in the
- >meantime could we just put WUArchive's URL's?
- >
- >Much thanks to Norstad for the incredible improvements in NewsWatcher.
- >
- >--
- >"A manual is a terrible thing to waste."
- >Ed Miller, CIC-2 Desktop Support Group
- >Los Alamos Nat'l Laboratories
- >
- >[Yep -- way ahead of you. We have plans to move in that direction, but
- haven't
- >for the very reason you mention -- everyone would be going after one machine.
- >There are two solutions. First is use a domain name, "info-mac.org" for
- >example, and have a DNS rotate the mirrors (this would require all mirrors
- >to have the same directory structure). Second is a software component that
- >would translate the URLs from one to another. We've not found a machine to
- >do the first, and the software component has been written to do the second,
- >but we've not tried to get Fetch and Anarchie authors to incorporate it.
- >-Gordon]
- >
- For anyone wanting the sumex archives in http format, you don't have to
- autolaunch Fetch anymore. There is now an HTTP site for the archives that
- follows the same directory structure as [Archived as /info-mac...].
- Check out M.I.T.'s :
- http://hyperarchive.lcs.mit.edu/HyperArchive.html
- URL.
- It even has abstracts for every file posted, next to the file, rather than on
- top of the directory folder, making the abstracts more accessable.
- Hope this helps.
- Sincerely,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 14:55:45 -0600 (CST)
- From: cyn@odin.mda.uth.tmc.edu (Cyndi Smith)
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #147
- Ick!
- MIME-ing Info-Mac REALLY screws up my reading of it.
- I use elm on a unix box (fairly common, I imagine) and instead of being able
- page through info-mac on a page-by-page basis, I am forced to "page" (hit a
- key) for EVERY message (even the little two or three line ones!) and for
- each page of a multi-page message. This means I hit the space bar (or other
- key) probably 3 or 4 times as often as previously.
- Please return to the old way...
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 94 11:04:24 EST
- From: STEPHENSON RANDOLPH <r13600@er.uqam.ca>
- Subject: Info desesperately needed
- HI,
- Does anyone know if the following software are compatible with =
- RAM Doubler 1.5: =
- Photoshop 2.5.1
- Photoshop 3.0.1
- Sketch
- StrataVision Pro
- Electric Image
- Presenter Professional (VIDI).
- If anyone has experienced any minor (or major) problems with
- RAM Doubler let me know. The computers being used are one (1)
- Quadra 950 40something=C31 gig and one (1) PowerMac 8100 with
- approximatively the same configuration. Unfortunately, those
- computer are not mine because if I could afford to pay som much
- for a computer I would buy real RAMs not trying to use software
- RAM scheme simulation.
- TIA,
- Randolph =
- ___________________
- Randolph Stephenson
- d254324@er.uqam.ca
- r13600@er.uqam.ca
- Universite du Quebec a Montreal
- Departement de psychologie
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 09:29:10 EST
- From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU>
- Subject: ISDN interface for Mac [R]
- P. Tucker Withington <ptw@harlequin.com> asked:
- PTW> Soliciting information, recommendations, etc. for interfacing a
- PTW> Mac to ISDN. In particular, I don't really know what I am talking
- PTW> about, but my sysadmin claims this would be a better way for me to
- PTW> work from home, rather than a 28.8 dial-up modem. The only problem
- PTW> I am told, is that Mac's don't do ISDN, so I need a pee-cee. I'm
- PTW> sure that's wrong, so please help me out!
- That isn't correct. There are ISDN cards for both platforms.
- For the Mac, Euronis and OST (among others) make NuBus cards to
- connect Macs through ISDN to remote LANs. There are also stand
- alone products such as ISDN bridges and routers than can be used
- with any platform (including Macs) that has an internal Ethernet
- port or Ethernet card.
- Among the vendors for bridges and routers that will work with
- Macs are Combinet, Digiboard, Network Express, cisco, Gandalf,
- Symplex.
- So there are many options for Mac ISDN connectivity.
- BTW, I have a Quadra 700 connected to our campus network with an
- ISDN bridge. Typical Ethertalk (measured) performance is 210,000
- bps. No more modems for me! :-)
- Jeffrey Fritz
- West Virginia University
- jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 15:28:04 -0500
- From: feedback@macquisition.gsfc.nasa.gov
- Subject: Macquisition world-wide release
- Macquisition has finally been made available to the general public as "AS
- IS" freeware.
- Macquisition and its documentation will be distributed exclusively over the
- world-wide-web, accessable via Mosaic, Netscape, etc. from:
- http://macquisition.gsfc.nasa.gov
- e-mail should be sent to:
- feedback@macquisition.gsfc.nasa.gov
- What is Macquisition?
- What if you somehow started out with 95% of a data acquisition system
- built-in... What if you could simply tell the computer "read that
- instrument and save the data" and you didn't have to worry about how to
- manage multiple data types in a file - it just happened... What if all data
- was automagically displayable as numbers and/or a strip charts... What if
- you could treat the separate parts of a complex and growing system as
- distinct parts, yet they somehow could all interact with each other as a
- complete system... What if you could add features without breaking
- something else - even install them while running, without having to stop
- the rest of the system... What if you could watch the entire system,
- graphics and all, from an unlimited number of places around the world, in
- real-time, without slowing down the computer taking the data... What if the
- whole system could run on those eight-year-old computers that are headed
- for the junkyard...
- Macquisition is a data acquisition run-time engine, designed to allow the
- quick creation of custom systems which communicate with laboratory
- equipment connected to IEEE-488 interface(s). Macquisition can
- simultaneously run (using its built-in multitasking jBASIC language
- interpreter) any number of user-written programs. These programs are
- controlled via any number of user-defined windows, and data collected by
- each window can be displayed as text and/or time-based graphs. The entire
- system is viewable and/or controllable in real-time from many simultaneous
- remote network connections, with little or no performance degradation to
- the host machine. All data that is stored can be easily processed into a
- spreadsheet for further analysis.
- Macquisition can also be used as a simple general-purpose parallel
- processing simulation or development environment, although some of its data
- acquisition oriented features may limit its usefulness in this area.
- Important: this program is still under construction. Since there are only a
- few, well-documented bugs, it should probably not be considered beta
- software, but rather a limited-capability release. What this means is that
- the program probably won't do anything unbecoming of a proper program, but
- it is a lot slower than it will be in the future, the jBASIC language
- syntax is still under construction, the interface is kind of cheesy, and it
- currently requires System 7, a 68020 with a 6888x math co-processor to run.
- All of these restrictions will be removed in the future, so bear with me as
- the software is improved. It is one of my goals to make it feasible to run
- a Macquisition system on a 1 MB Macintosh Plus running system 6.
- j geagan
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 16:57:40 -0500
- From: aa010@detroit.freenet.org (Chuck Reti)
- Subject: Mac SE rehab-able?
- A schoolteacher neighbor of mine was recently given a Mac SE.
- It has a very old OS installed, something like v.3.4, and has a
- 20Mb drive and 1 Mb RAM. He would like to use it for terminal
- emulation/modem communications and for simple in-school apps.
- I would like to help him make this machine more useful,
- like being able to run relatively current apps, but I do
- not know what (if any) upgrade paths are available for the SE.
- Thus, here are some tossup questions for the group
- (apologies for any FAQ's):
- Newer OS should be installed--7.0.1/7.1 or would 6.0.7 be a
- better/easier choice?
- System 7.x would, of course, require another Mb or 3 of RAM.
- Can additional RAM be installed in this machine, if so, in
- what form might it exist (SIMM, RAM chip socket on board)?
- Lacking ability to do either of the above, is there a terminal
- emulation/comm app still available in the archives that would
- run on the ancient installed OS?
- An Imagewriter II came along with the SE. He cannot print anything
- but one font in one size. He has MacDraw/MacPaint and early version
- of PageMaker on the drive.
- I assume an OS upgrade with the proper driver may permit printing
- of other fonts or MacDraw/MacPaint files. Yes? No?
- Thanks in advance for replies here or via email to:
- Chuck Reti Detroit,MI
- aa010@detroit.freenet.org
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 15:40:36 -0600
- From: vinko@spss.com (Vinko Tsui [312] 329-3455)
- Subject: Mounting SUN server on Mac hard drive [R]
- >Now we have another problem. In our office the DOS/Windows machines are
- >networked to SUN/NFS. In order to use Group Wise, we need to be able to
- >mount the Sun server harddrive on the Macs. The Macs are connected to the
- >network using ethernet cards and they have MacTCP. Apparently we need some
- >other program such as NFS/Share that will mount the Sun drive. However all
- >the programs we know about are rather expensive ($300 or more) and it's
- >coming out of our own pockets. Does anyone know of any shareware or other
- >cheap way to get the job done?
- >
- >As an alternative, it has been suggested that we run netatalk or CAP
- >(Columbia AppleTalk
- >Package) on the Sun. Does anyone know anything about these two programs?
- >
- Kathy,
- I'm always eager to help keep the "Mac Way" alive.
- The program you mentioned, "CAP" (Columbia AppleTalk Package) works well.
- Although, since it is a freeware (with source) you (or someone with Unix
- background) may have to tune it to your SUN server. There are many versions
- out there. I know of at least two versions compiled for the latest SUN OS.
- You can try sending an email to the manager of System Services here at SPSS
- Inc., see if he can send you the version he had for the SUN when SPSS was
- going that route. His name is Steve Adams (adams@spss.com).
- You may have figured it out by now, that the CAP solution do need the
- cooporation of your Systems people, at least to install and test it. This
- may violate your agreement with your boss.
- SPSS Inc. also tried the NFS/Share route, but it gets really poor
- performance when the number of Mac users increases. This should not be a
- problem in your case of 2 users.
- There is also a SUN solution, I heard from a SUN gru here at SPSS that SUN
- has come out with a software that resides on the SUN, that will handle the
- conversion to and forth between the SUN and the Macs. You can send an email
- to him for the proper answer, his name is Madison Morrison (mjm@spss.com).
- Speaking of solution on the SUN there is also a few other 3rd party vendors
- that have software which does the same job as the one from SUN, one of
- which is Helios. The Edmonton Sun newspaper in Alberta, Canada uses this
- solution. You may want to contact them for more info. Sorry, I do not have
- their email or phone number handy. You can try directory assistance, the
- city of Edmonton's area code is "403".
- There are many Canadian government agencies which uses Macintohes in a
- mixed enviroment. You may want to contact them for assistance. One of which
- is the Ottawa Police Services, you can try constable Graydon Patterson
- 613-236-0311 x557.
- Have you tried CBC or the National Flim Board (NFB) of Canada in Montreal,
- they are both large sites of Macintosh users. The NFB has many Macintosh
- experts who may be able to help.
- I hope this helps a little. If there's anything else you think I can do
- please don't hassitate to let me know.
- BTW: which department are you with and where?
- -- Vinko
- Vinko Enterprises, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, VinkoT@eworld.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 23:19:15 -0600 (CST)
- From: Ken Blystone <blystone@tenet.edu>
- Subject: Mouse-N-Math Info and Announcement
- Mouse-N-Math Version 1 is a program designed to teach children in the
- primary grades how to use a computer mouse while learning math concepts
- with on-screen color rod manipulatives. Mouse-N-Math helps children
- visualize and conceptualize basic number concepts. Case studies in the
- Ysleta I.S.D. have shown 1st and 2nd grade students successfully doing
- multiplication and division using manipulatives. Moreover, rudimentary
- algebra can be introduced to 2nd graders if teachers are given training
- in how to convert the manipulatives into "expressions." Mouse-N-Math is
- designed for use on color Macintosh computers running system 7.
- Mouse-N-Math is based entirely on the use of color rod math manipulatives.
- After observing several teachers at Glen Cove Elementary use physical
- (tactile) manipulatives with great success, I got the idea to extend what
- the children were learning in the "3D" world into the 2D world of the
- computer screen. I was amazed to see 1st and 2nd graders doing
- multiplication and division with great ease. It seemed to me that
- because they understood how the value of the rods related to each other,
- they were able to answer math questions at a conceptual level.
- After using Mouse-N-Math for about 30 minutes, I asked a little 2nd grade
- girl what is half of 7. She thought a few seconds and replied, "three
- and half of one." She pulled a 7 rod onto the screen and underneath
- placed a 3 rod on one side and another 3 rod on the other side. When I
- asked about the gap in between she said, "that's where the one rod goes,
- but you can only use half of it."
- Another teacher I observed explained to me a teaching episode I wish I
- had seen. The teacher asked students to pull up a value ten orange rod
- on the screen. She then asked the students to discover the following...
- "what two pair of rods would equal the orange rod?" The students asked
- for clarification. The teacher said, "what two rods of one color plus
- two more rods of another color would be equal to the orange rod. The
- students worked a couple of minutes and a little boy said he had an
- answer. On his screen he had two red rods and two light green rods under
- the orange rod. The teacher praised the student and then said, "OK, I
- guess 2R + 2G = O. She said the kids then asked if they could do more
- "expressions" like that. I think rudimentary algebra at the 2nd grade is
- terrific. This is why I'm so excited about this method.
- Obviously, our district is having good success using math manipulatives.
- After having taught for 20 years at the secondary level, I have learned
- much from primary grade teachers. They have been teaching me how to use
- tactile math manipulatives in the classroom. Their success inspired me
- to take their ideas and suggestions and turn them into a computerized
- version of math manipulatives for use on the Macintosh platform.
- Mouse-N-Math is a teacher-designed software program for grades K-6.
- Using this program helps children learn how to use a mouse by moving color
- bar math manipulatives into positions on the computer screen as directed
- by their teacher. The color bars come in two versions, those with
- numbers "etched" on them and plain color bars without numbers. The
- program is designed to be "open-ended" and it encourages teachers to
- participate with the children as they use the computer.
- Mouse-N-Math avoids the pitfall of using "drill & kill" tactics
- by creating "workspace" in which students create their own
- number combinations. The emphasis is on using a student-centered
- discovery approach for learning math combined with a computer
- environment in which children feel they are in control of what's
- going on. There are no clocks to beat, no monsters chasing you
- around the screen, and nothing to shoot at or destroy. With
- Mouse-N-Math children explore how things fit together numerically
- in a colorful, non-stressful computer environment where they
- work at their own pace.
- We hope you find the program of value to your students and we
- appreciate getting feedback from teachers who have used the
- program in their classroom. Mouse-N-Math was created in response
- to teacher ideas and suggestions for improving mathematics
- curriculum at the primary grades. We are grateful to the teachers
- at Glen Cove Elementary and Pebble Hills Elementary for their
- assistance in development of Mouse-N-Math software.
- Ken Blystone, Educational Technologist
- Ysleta Independent School District
- 9600 Sims
- El Paso, Texas 79925
- Voice: 915-595-5676
- Fax: 915-595-5930
- Data1: 915-594-3429 (The CyberSchool System)
- Data2: 915-598-1987 (The K12 Network/Internet Link)
- Data3: 915-595-6806 (Ysleta Educational Telecommunications)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 14:34:28 -0600
- From: forbes@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu (Graeme Forbes)
- Subject: Newer Tech MacClip Accelerator (Q)
- The mail order catalogs are advertising Newer Technology's MacClip
- Accelerator, which supposedly can boost a Quadra 800 from 33MHz to close to
- 40MHz or even more. The price is under $200. Is there anyone out there on
- the bleeding edge with a field report on this device? I might buy one if I
- thought it wouldn't melt my motherboard.
- Graeme Forbes
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 19:52 EST
- From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
- Subject: News Server On a Mac?
- In a previous article, davidt@tonagra.stortek.com (David Theroff) wrote:
- >
- >There is a Mac server for gopher
- >There is a Mac Server for HTTP
- >There are Mac Mail Servers...
- >
- >Does anyone know of the existance of a News Server that runs on a Mac ?
- >
- >I would like to have my own news server, that news readers could log into.
- >
- >If I can not find a news server that runs on a mac, I will have to
- >purchase a Sun sparc and run c-news or inn1.4 news.... a big expense
- >just to run news. But I want control over the newsgroups for my mac uucp
- >account. Presently I have to tell my service provider of every little
- >change when I add or remove a newsgroup on my account.--a major drag.
- >
- >(using FirstClass UUCP server software)
- >
- >Thanks in advance for any help. (I have searched many unix ftp news sites
- > without any luck)
- >
- >david
- >dst@martialnet.com
- >
- There are NNTP newsservers for the Mac, if you have a SLIP or PPP connection,
- they usually have an NNTP of news.site. One of the many NNTP servers is
- Mosaic Netscape. I don't have the address for Netscape with me right now,
- but I can give you the address if you ask. Many others exist, but so far, it
- has been more than suitable for me.
- Hope this helps.
- Sincely,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 15:47:55 -0600
- From: vinko@spss.com (Vinko Tsui [312] 329-3455)
- Subject: No room in Heap Zone? [R]
- I have an old DA that refuses to print because of error -108 (not enough
- room in heap zone). I would be very grateful if anyone who knows what this
- means and how to fix it could give me some clues. I'm useing an LCIII with
- 7.1 and 12 megs RAM.
- Thanks in advance.
- Allan,
- The error message you received means that there are not enough "working"
- memory for the DA (application) to perform the desired task. What you will
- need to do is to increase this "working" (heap) memory of the DA
- (application).
- Try locating the DA in question; It is proably in your "Apple Menu Items"
- folder. Hilight the DA's icon, go to the File menu (from Finder) and select
- "Get Info". When the dialog box comes up try increasing the amount of
- memory in the box labled "Preferred Size". Close the dialog and try the DA
- again.
- I hope this helps!
- -- Vinko
- Vinko Enterprises, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, VinkoT@eworld.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 17:54:29 EST
- From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU>
- Subject: Now QuickFiler Question (R)
- Charles Lakos <charles@probitas.cs.utas.edu.au> asked
- CL> I would like more information on the file handling utilities of Now
- CL> Utilites 5. Even in Now Utilities 4 it was possible in the Open
- CL> File context to use SuperBoomerang to search in compressed archives
- CL> (here Compact Pro archives) and even to extract a file from such an
- CL> archive.
- CL>
- CL> I am therefore puzzled why Now QuickFiler provides an Inspector
- CL> which allows you to look (seamlessly) into compressed archives, but
- CL> not to extract the file.
- Charles,
- I took the liberty of passing your question on to some of the folks
- at Now Software. Here is the response they passed back my way:
- Jeffrey Fritz
- jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- -------------
- Dear Mr. Lakos,
- Now QuickFiler 5.0 can indeed extract individual files from within archives
- -- provided that we are speaking of Now QuickFiler archives. Now QuickFiler
- is fast and efficient, and best of all includes a conversion feature, so you
- can convert various third-party archives into Now QuickFiler format. We note
- your interest in enhancing future versions of the Now QuickFiler Inspector to
- Now FolderMenus does not at this time descend its submenus inside archive
- files for performance reasons. We do appreciate this as an interesting
- feature request, however.
- The best way to explore the capabilities of Now Utilities 5.0 is to *buy* it,
- and experiment first-hand. We've increased the iron-clad risk-free money back
- guarantee period to 60 days, so you have ample time to find out whether the
- upgrade is worthwhile -- and we have every confidence you'll love it! Don't
- forget, the time-limit for introductory pricing is running out very rapidly
- (don't mean to pressure you, or anything... ;> )
- One semantic quibble: one does not *rectify* a limitation, one rectifies a
- fault or error. A limitation simply exists -- generally for eminently
- pragmatic reasons. In upgrades of our products, we always strive to
- *transcend* previous limitations. We do this in response to customer
- requests, so you are indeed right to identify them!
- Regards,
- Adrian Russell-Falla
- Senior Product Manager
- Now Software, Inc.
- adrianrf@nowsoft.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 08 Nov 1994 16:58:38 CST
- From: Chip Sample <sample@shire.ac.arknet.edu>
- Subject: PB Internal Drive Question
- I'm looking to upgrade my puny 40 MB HD in a PB 170.
- I've found a Quantum Daytona 514 MB 17ms internal drive for $449...seems too
- good to be true. Does anyone have experience with this series of drives? Are
- they reliable? Quiet? Is 17 ms fast enough? Will it kill my battery
- quicker?
- Thanks in advance.
- J. D. Sample
- Lyon College
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed Nov 9 08:36:31 1994
- From: jond@usaferam.af.mil (Capt Jon Dagle;86 OSS/OSX;480-2799)
- Subject: PowerBook Trackball Gummed Up! (Q)
- I have a PB165c and have managed to get the trackball rollers gummed up.
- Normally, I CAREFULLY scrape the rubber rollers with a knife to clean the
- dirt off, but after this attempt, the vertical roller still sticks. It looks
- as if it might not be entirely in contact with the ball. Does anyone have any
- suggestions?
- Jonathan Dagle
- Ramstein Air Base, Germany
- jond@usaferam.af.mil
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Nov 94 15:49
- From: R.J.Norreys%civils.salford.ac.uk@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
- Subject: Radius pivot monitor on LC 475?
- We have a B/W Radius Pivot monitor (pivot 0276) which we used to have on an LC
- but now we have connected it to an LC 475.
- Sadly the monitor no longer works in Landscape so we have an expesive monitor
- with the ability to tip pictures on their sides.
- My question is will an upgrade to Soft Pivot software from the version 2.0 we
- are running (that doesn't work) to 3.1.1 solve the problem ?
- Thanks for listening Richard.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 94 09:37:29 EST
- From: iedh1@agt.gmeds.com ( Daniel J. Hofferth (317)230-4791/Allison Engine
- Company)
- Subject: Sound Manager on Performa
- Responding to John Kennedy's recent Info-Mac posting:
- > Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 15:53:30 -0500
- >
- > I've got a user with a Performa 638 who wants to run Treasure Math Storm,
- > a learning game from The Learning Company. The game works fine but the
- > sound does not function properly.
- >
- > The company told him that since Sound Manager has been designed into ROM
- > on the 638 and there is nothing that he can do to make the sound function
- > properly on his machine.
- Is this an OLD game? If so, this may be an accurate statement. I know of
- no way to revert back to an OLD sound manager on new machines. The vendor
- should be exhorted to update their software (time marches on)!
- If the game is new enough to be billed as compatable with System 7, then
- what your user has been told is hogwash. There is a sound manager inherent
- in the MacOS (whether it's in ROM or not is moot). But the latest version
- of the sound manager is currently being distributed as an "extension"
- called Sound Manager and the version is 3.0. Your user's machine should
- already have it... it ships with the OS that is preinstalled on the 630's.
- Look in the System Folder -> Extensions.
- A second point... I've had my 630CD for a couple of months now(?) and I've
- successfully played a LOT of entertainment software, educational software,
- productivity, utilities, ... you name it... much of it is new... but some
- quite old as well. This is a VERY solid machine that has no unusual
- problems with compatability.
- Having said all that, here are two easy tricks for your user to try before
- hammering on the vendor again or giving up:
- - Not enough memory allocated to the game. Select the application,
- choose "Get Info" from the File menu, go to the Preferred memory
- size (?) and boost it by... something... a few hundred K perhaps.
- Of course you'll have to be sure the machine has enough available
- memory to allocate what you ask for here.... Some older games
- require a bit more memory to run under System 7.x than the vendor
- allocated. This is an easy fix, if it works.
- [The minimum memory size is used if the Mac hasn't got enough
- available for the "preferred" number... the vendor may have set
- this low enough to allow game play without sound?]
- - An incompatability with one or more extensions that your user
- has loading at boot time. Try booting with the SHIFT key held
- down to disable loading of all INITs. Then try the game. If
- it works, you'll have to do some experimenting to see where the
- conflict lies.
- After this it starts to become a witch hunt. Corrupted application
- files (reinstall). Corrupted Perferences files (the game or one of the
- system's). Corrupted System installation (doubtful if all other apps
- and games are working fine).
- Good luck!
- Dan Hofferth
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 11:10:26 -0500
- From: ekj@shore.net (Erich Jacobs)
- Subject: Two Common Probs (Bugs?) With 7.5
- After reviewing numerous postings on comp.sys.mac.system and
- comp.sys.mac.portables, it appears that there are three relatively common
- problems with System 7.5 which may indicate a bug in the system. If you
- are experiencing any of these problems, you are not alone, and you are
- encouraged to post your experiences to either of these newsgroups. Once a
- large enough mass of postings have occurred, I will forward them to Apple
- for review.
- Problem #1 (FPU Not Present Errors):
- Many users have complained that after installing System 7.5, they will
- sometimes get a System Bomb that says "FPU Not Installed" even if their
- machine clearly does have one installed. This bomb sometimes occurs in the
- Finder, and has been reported by users even after a clean system install
- with no third-party inits. Some users have reported that zapping the PRAM
- helps, but others say it has no effect.
- Problem #2 (Menus Shift To The Left)
- Many Users have indicated that, in some of their applications, their menu
- bar "shifts to the left" thereby hiding the File and Edit menus, and making
- quitting an application impossible, and making access to certain menu items
- also impossible. In addition, some people have reported their menus being
- unpredictable, even if they are showing. Some users suspect the "Apple
- Menu" control panel to be the culprit, others think it is MacTCP related,
- while still others claim it is related to the Control Strip control panel.
- I had it for a while and now it has gone away. Frankly, I don't have a
- clue as to what causes it.
- Problem #3 (Pesky Desktop Rebuilds)
- Some users report a problem with the desktop being rebuilt EVERYTIME they
- restart their machine after installing System 7.5. It appears to be solved
- by completely removing the desktop files and forcing the system to do a
- clean desktop rebuild. This can be accomplished by either using a
- shareware utility called "Desktop Reset" or by changing the file attributes
- of the appropriate desktop files, making them visible, trashing them, and
- restarting.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 14:02:36 GMT
- From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
- Subject: Version Numbers
- Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
- >Is there a master list of version numbers for popular programs and
- >utilities available on the net?
- Not that I know of.
- But I will compile a list is there is enough interest.
- Maybe I will even set up a WWW page for it.
- Sven
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 17:12:56 +0100 (MET)
- From: guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de (Sven Guckes)
- Subject: Where is the MacWEEK EasyView view? (R)
- Hi, Moddies!
- Quoting The Moderators :
- > This is way too long a mail message to answer that question.
- Oops. I forgot I was posting to csm.digest. Sorry.
- I'll append an edited version with this mail.
- It includes a short list of UMICH mirrors.
- Thanks for your time!
- Sven
- ===
- > Subject: Re: Where is the MacWEEK EasyView view? (R)
- > Nntp-Posting-Host: reh.inf.fu-berlin.de
- > Organization: Free University of Berlin, Germany
- > References: <39lfmt$qnv@nntp.Stanford.EDU>
- > Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 15:28:26 GMT
- > Lines: 122
- >
- > On 4 Nov 1994 Eric Garneau <garneau@IRO.UMontreal.CA> wrote:
- > > I would like to know where to find the view file to use EasyView
- > > to browse the MacWEEK News from ZiffNet/Mac.
- >
- > EasyView is available from SUMEX and UMICH mirrors.
- >
- > SUMEX path/file: text/easy-view-250.hqx
- > UMICH path/file: util/text/easyview2.50.sit.hqx
- >
- > Sven
- > --
- > === UMICH mirrors
- > [Last update: 940414]
- > [Author: Sven guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de]
- > == USA
- > Missouri: wuarchive.wustl.edu:systems/mac/umich.edu
- > Oregon: archive.orst.edu:pub/mirrors/archive.umich.edu
- > Iowa: grind.isca.uiowa.edu:mac/umich
- > == Europe
- > England: src.doc.ic.ac.uk:packages/mac/umich
- > France: anl.anl.fr:/pub/mac/umich
- > Germany: ftp.uni-paderborn.de:/mac
- > Germany: info2.rus.uni-stuttgart.de:/afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac
- > Italy: umich-mirror.fis.utovrm.it
- > Note: Some of the filenames are changed (top level) to fit VMS
- constraints.
- > Sweden: ftp.sunet.se:/pub/mac/mirror-umich
- > Switzerland: nic.switch.ch:mirror/umich-mac
- > == Asia
- > Japan: ftp.inter.spin.ad.jp:pub/Mac/Merit.mirror
- > Taiwan: nctuccca.edu.tw:/Macintosh/umich-mac
- > Taiwan: ftp.ccu.edu.tw:/pub/mac
- > == Australia
- > Outback?: archie.au:micros/mac/umich
- > == Middle East
- > Israel: ftp.technion.ac.il:pub/unsupported/mac/umich
- > === EOF
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 22:21:08 -0500
- From: sick@acs.ucalgary.ca (Gordon Sick)
- Subject: Word 6 is not backwards compatible to Word 5
- I'm one of a growing list of users who is sorely disappointed with Word 6.
- I'm tempted to take it off my hard disk, because double-clicking an old
- Word 5 file forces me into Word 6 (which takes forever to load, while I
- regret my indiscretion), unless I already have Word 5 running.
- There are two more annoying "Gotchas". First, Word 6 can read mathematical
- equations done in Word 5's equation language, but it cannot edit them and
- cannot get them into the Equation Editor (at least, I haven't succeed in
- doing so, even if I wanted to use the pokey old equatin editor). Thus, they
- have quietly dropped the one thing that kept me with Word, rather than
- WordPerfect or Works, or whatever.
- Second, Word 6 does nothing to help somebody who is good with Word 5
- migrate over to Word 6. The command names are all different and there are
- no cross-references to old terminology in the Word 6 manual. How do you
- create the equivalent of a Work menu? How do you access Commands directly?
- How do you revert to normal style? Etc. I'm sure these things are all
- possible, but do I have to read the manual for an hour just to do something
- that I've done for years?
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Nov 1994 17:02:21 -0500 (CDT)
- From: vreddy@Acd.Tusk.Edu
- Can somebody help me how to decrease the system software memory. Because,
- I have 20MB of memory on my system. And system software is using more than
- 15MB. So if I have to open an application which takes more than 5MB of
- memory, it is not letting me to open it. I can not delete any inits from
- the system. Can somebody help me what I can do please. Thanks
- -vreddy
- Vijaya Reddy(vreddy@acd.tusk.edu)
- Biomedical Information Management Systems
- School of Veterinary Medicine
- Tuskegee University
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 17:44:29 GMT
- From: news@sue.cc.uregina.ca
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest
- Path: mercury!haidl
- From: haidl@MERCURY.CS.UREGINA.CA (Mark Haidl)
- Subject: tn3270 that supports printing to local printer from VM/CMS
- Sender: news@sue.cc.uregina.ca
- Message-ID: <haidl.784489377@mercury>
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 17:42:57 GMT
- Organization: University of Regina
- Keywords: tn3270 print local
- I am looking for a tn3270 that supports printing
- to a local apple printer(actually on ethernet beside the user).
- The version of tn3270 we use for the PC(Clarkson University Telnet?)
- supports this. Currently users who want to print out a mail message
- on a Mac are having to use the screen at a time printing support in tn3270.
- This gets tedious with a 10 page mail message. On the PC
- they just select the print to local printer option from within
- profs and the message is printed to the screen and printer.
- I have tried the tn3270 from Brown University and Wollongong's
- pathway product to no avail.
- Commercial products are acceptable.
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
- ******************************